Friday, April 24, 2015

Trip #5 Bremen

For my final trip in Germany, I decided to head to Bremen. Its only about a two hour train ride from Lüneburg. So that's not too bad. It was in the 50*F for weather which was pretty good for the time of the year.

The city of Bremen has a long and complex history. The area around Bremen has been settled since 12,000 BC but it was closer to a full town by 787. In 1260, Bremen joined the Hanseatic League and by 1350 there were 20,000 people living in the town. It was also known for its Hansekogge or cog ship. In 1666, Bremen was laid attacked by Sweden but after a treaty was signed and there was no other attacks. Bremen was bombed during WWII. Bremen is now the 13th largest city in Germany. So after that long and complex history, that my brief summary does by no means do justice to all the history but is some facts I found interesting.

My first stop was the Rathaus which is one of the oldest and finest in Europe. Construction was started in 1410 and then it was remodeled in the 17th century. You can take tours of it till this day of this historic building! It is also the only European town hall built in the late middle ages that hasn't been destroyed or altered. The guided tour costs 5 Euros and it is about a hour. Its a really cool tour and allows you to really get a sense of the history of this town.

My second stop was the Focke Museum, which covers all of Bremen's history throughout the years, all 1,200 years of it. It has a main building and then additional 4 historical homes that are all in the park for the property. It has temporary exhibits that come through but it really covers all history. It has everything from cars to statues to weapons from the original inhabitants of the area. The fee is 6 Euros for adults and 3.50 for children. It just has a little bit of everything! And with my passion for history it gives me a chance to nerd out.

The next stop was something to eat and i decided to eat at Bremen Ratskeller Restaurant which is a restaurant in the cellar of the Rathaus where is/used to be a wine cellar. They even have dinner musicals or Pasta Opera and das Krimdinner, It all sounds super exciting! There are two different types of Krimidinner and they are: Der Spuk von Darkwood Castle, Die Nacht des Schreckens. They are a little costly and are 89-98 Euros for tickets but it seemed worth it because how often do you get to see someone shot by a arrow over dinner? That price also includes wine and 4 course dinner so not bad at all!

Of course I had to see the Die Bremer Stadtmuskikanten or the town musicians of Bremen who are known from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale. It it what the town is know for and is something you have to see!

Overall my trip to Bremen was really great with all the history and just the great people in the town! I headed back to Lüneburg after a wonderful day walking around this historic city!

Sources for more information:

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