Friday, April 3, 2015

Trip #4 Kassel

For my fourth trip in Germany, I decided to go to Kassel. I remembered our book in German 102 and thought why not go see the sights that we read about while I'm here? Plus its only a 2 hours on the ICE train to get there from Lüneburg or 5 hours on a slower train. I just took the slower train because why not admire the view (and it was cheaper, thanks to my school)!
Kassel is a really old town that has been passed around to many different countries. The name is actually from a tribe of German that used to live there since Roman times! It was first mentioned in 913 AD so there is plenty of history in the area. If you want to learn more I'll put a couple links at the bottom otherwise I will be talking about the history forever!

Löwenburg ^

Kassel has tons and tons of museums and thanks to the Documenta the whole town is like a art museum. The Documenta is a international exhibition of modern and contemporary art that happens every 5 years. The last one was in 2012 so 2017 is the next time. The art that is placed around the city for the Documenta is not normally taken down so especially outdoor pieces can still be seen as you walk around the city. This is a huge event and is very popoular when it happens. People from all around the world come and they even brag about having Brad Pitt there on their website! Here is some past fixtures.

There are some interesting ones and some are now permanent parts of the city which is really cool. So its almost like a Easter egg hunt around the city to see all of these art pieces everywhere.

Of course I had to go to the Grimm Brothers Museum. The entrance fee is 3 euros and if you want to go make sure to not plan it for Mondays because they are closed! They have exhibits on the brother's travels and lives but also some exhibits on their other brothers art which is cool to see. The link for the site is below and they have pictures of a lot of the exhibits online to look at which is awesome.
Besides having tons of stuff to do the town is just simply gorgeous. Honestly most of my trip was just walking around admiring the view of this historic city. Kassel during WWII was bombed pretty badly and after the war they elected to not rebuild a lot of historic towns so it has a lot of new buildings for such a old city site. I walked through the two big parks in the city, Karlsaue Park and Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe. I know we looked at Google earth and images of these parks in class but nothing can compare to them in real life. I also visited Löwenburg which is a really cool late 18th century castle that's also called Lion Castle and the picture from that is up above. I picked the perfect time because it was 50-60* F which is 11-20*C. That's pretty nice for this time of year!

Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe ^

Karlsaue Park ^

Check the museum-kassel site for times for the tours of all the castles, parks and scenic places in the area. They have the prices for all the tours and entry to museums which is nice to have in one place and ranges from 2-6 euros.
After wandering around for a while and visiting the Grimm Brothers Museum, I decided it was time for a meal. And I decided to try out a restaurant called Duck Dich for dinner.

 Not gonna lie I totally chose it for the name but then when you look on the menu and you can get crocodile filet in the middle of Germany you know you are in for a experience. It was pretty expensive at 37.50 but sometimes you just gotta splurge a little bit. A lot of the meat is only cooked on hot stones at your table which is also really cool. You just get a plate full of veggies, meat and potatoes and a hot stone to cook it on, so it was worth the price for a fun experience. The link to the website is down below. I would definitely check it out because they have a video of how you make your dinner if you are curious.


After a day of walking and a delicious meal, it was time for me to head home so I hopped on the train and headed back to Lüneburg.  Thanks Kassel for the wonderful day!

Next up I'm thinking its time to visit Bremen!

Links so you can learn more if interested: (my computer isn't wanting to add links for some reason but here are the websites)

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